Waqas mobile

Wintel Shine Firmware Flash File Free Download by Waqas Mobile

Wintel Shine Firmware Flash file Free Download 

 Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SC/RDA Module [SCR] v1.05

SCRD mode : AUTO

SPRD mode : SC6530 : REV : 0000 : NOR : [ 4MB-8MB ]

SPRD mode : SC6531 : REV : E000 : NOR : [ 4MB ]

BINARY : MOCOR_16A.W17.09.3_Release.bin

FLSIZE : 0x00400000

Platform Version: MOCOR_16A.W17.09.3_Release

Project Version:   SC6531EFM_BAR




02-14-2019 09:24:33

LOG Version:      V1.0.1


Load Ok!

Operation : Write Flash [ v1.05 ]

1. Power off device

2. Press and hold BootKey or use BootCable

3. Insert cable and battery in device!

Wait for device ... 

Device Connected!

BootVersion : SPRD3

BootSource  :  InternalLibrary

BootVersion : Infinity SCR SC6531E Loader v 1.2

Port speed : 921600

FDL Flash  : Control transfered!

Boot Done!

Error : Flashing failed!

Remove battery, cable. Check cable and connection. Repeat operation!

Reconnect Power/Cable!

Operation : Write Flash [ v1.05 ]

1. Power off device

2. Press and hold BootKey or use BootCable

3. Insert cable and battery in device!

Wait for device ... 

Device Connected!

BootVersion : SPRD3

BootSource  :  InternalLibrary

BootVersion : Infinity SCR SC6531E Loader v 1.2

Port speed : 921600

FDL Flash  : Control transfered!

Boot Done!


Elapsed: 00:01:11

Wintel Shine Firmware Download

Wintel Shine Firmware Link 2 Download
